Alter Ego

Alter Ego
What is it?
You feel it.
You see it.
You hear it.
In your dream,
In your real,
You can see
You can feel
Seems to you,
But not you,
Seems to me,
But not me.
In your eyes,
In your head,
In your ears,
In your heart.
It makes find
Living aims,
Rules your mind,
Cleans your brains.
So you can't
What is real
Make you feel
What is it?
It is your Alter Ego!
What is it?
I am your Alter Ego!
Pears Up
Thoughts appear in my brain 
It's  something like sweet pain
Sudden rage consume you
So you  want it to through
Explaining who's right or wrong 
You  going on and on
Explaining who's right or wrong 
You  going on
Sometimes I feel myself
Sometimes I feel it inside me
Sometimes I feel
Sometimes it's real
You can try to  stop again
You can try see it in  my eyes
You can see it
You see it
Let’s do it now
do it now
You try to  close your eyes
They look like arctic ice
You try to cork up ears
But rage doesn’t disappear 
So looking for ways to avoid  it 
You’re asking for  ways is  it
Right to  step aside
Or to attack  like a pride
This ugly faces you  can see trying to evoke your anger out
It’s too great gift on your part so let them enjoy and start a triumph of yourself



Зрабі сабе лабатамію, каб аддадзена служыць,
Зрабі сабе лабатамію, каб ідэю не згубіць.
Біяробат за ідэю - ідэальны варыянт,
Безумоўна-паслухмяны зомбі, дурань і вар'ят.
За цябе ўжо ўсё рашылі,
Усё сказалі, усё зрабілі,
Шлях акрэслілі табе,
Ты ужо згубіў сабе.
ім не трэба твая воля,
не цікавіць твая доля,
ім патрэбна біямасса
для пануючага класа
Perfect Dream
We’re screaming louder we want to say
We’re going faster so we don’t stay
We dream  another a perfect dream
So we dive in
We  to far 
We  to far 
We  to far 
We can’t stand there so 
We  to far 
We  to far 
We  to far 
We’re bleeding blood through our brains
We’re standing here and  want be  fame
We wouldn’t play in a stupid  game
We know  you’ll pay
We want to take it in our hands
We know we haven’t another chance
We try to follow and go this way
But it slips away